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한음 2024.03.21 추천 0 조회 166
한음 2024.03.21 추천 0 조회 162
한음 2024.03.21 추천 0 조회 157
초록 본 논문은 무력감과 불안정한 혈압을 호소하는 공황장애 환자에게 한방치료 및 인지행동치료를 병행하여 호전된 사례로,주요내용은 공황장애 환자에게 자신의 증상을 이해시키고 증상과 관련된 공포를 공개적인 훈련을 통해 극복하도록 함으로써 호전된 결과를 가져왔다.이러한 결과를 통해 인지행동치료법이 잘못된 믿음에 기초한 부적응적인 생각을 가지는 공황장애환자들에게 효과적임을 보여준다는 내용이다. Panic disorder is one of the anxiety disorder, characterized by panic attacks which are discrete episodes of fear accompanied by somatic symptoms such as shortness of breath, palpitations, chest pain, choking, dizziness, trembling and/or faintness. We experienced a 41 year-old male who complained of sudden enervation, unstable blood pressure and anxiety about self's symptoms.We bad given herbal medicines aoh cognitive & behavioral therapy. Results from studies to date suggest the cognitive behavioral therapy(CBTl are useful for depression, anxiety disorder, phobia.He understood his symptom's meaning and tried to overcome fear related to symptoms through exposure training.We concluded that cognitive behavioral therapy can be very effective methods to treat panic disorder,because patient with panic disorder has maladaptive automatic thoughts,based on dysfunctional beliefs like "I'm too weak, I have some problem." [원문 보기]
한음 2024.03.21 추천 0 조회 162
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