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초록Objectives: Interpersonal stress is a major cause and aggravating factor of Hwabyung.The purpose of this study was to compare communication type and stress coping style between the Hwabyung pa-tients group and non-Hwabyung patients group. Methods: The total number of study participants was 101. Based on the Hwabyung symptom scale,the study participants were divided into Hwabyung patients group (30 patients) and non-Hwabyung pa-tients group (43 patients; control group),and the others were excluded from the study .All included patients were administered the Virginia Satir's communication type questionnaire and stress coping scale based on Folkman & Lazarus's theory.The independent t-test was used to determine the stat-istical significance between the features of communication types and stress coping styles in each group.In addition, Spearman correlation analysis was used to identify the relationship between com-munication types and stress coping styles. Results and Conclusions:1. Communication types differed significantly between the Hwabyung pa-tients group and non-Hwabyung patients group.2. Hwabyung patients scored significantly higher in each dysfunctional communication type than functional communication type.Scores of placating stance and super-reasonable stance, which were subtypes of dysfunctional communication type, were high in the Hwabyung patients group.The non-Hwabyung patients group scored the highest in Congruent stance, classified as functional communication type.3. Stress coping...
한음 2024.03.22 추천 0 조회 180
초록 Objectives: This study was intended to review the research trends of treating neuropsychiatric diseases and symptoms with Traditional Chinese Medicine containing Haematitum. Methods: Articles were obtained through the CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure) by searching with ‘Haematitum' as the main key word,and supportive words related with neuropsychiatric diseases and symptoms were selected.There were 61 articles related to clinical fields, which were then classified according to study design. Results: The 61 articles were categorized into the following types of study design: 3 randomized controlled trials,1 quasi-randomized trial, 3 simple-designed clinical trials, and 54 case studies.Decoctions containing Haematitum were used to treat diseases and symptoms such as vertigo, headache, stroke, epilepsy, neurosis, globus hystericus,fishbilepoisoning, insomnia, mania, post-traumatic brain syndrome, and kinesia.All articles reported a good rate of effectiveness.There was no poor responsiveness regarding the effects of Haematitum in 9 studies, but it was not mentioned in the other 52 studies.Decoctions self-prepared by the authors were used in 28 studies.Modified Seonbokdeja-tang, modified Banhabeakchulcheonma-tang, modified Ondam-tang were used in that order of frequency.The daily dosage of Haematitum provided was 0.2∼6 g in powder, and 9∼60 g in decoction. Conclusions: Decoctions containing Haematitum are used restrictively in the neuropsychiatric clinical scene.While there were no...
한음 2024.03.22 추천 0 조회 180
한음 2024.03.22 추천 0 조회 177
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